Hi, I am Lauren Stoner.

I am a Music, Branding and Portrait photographer based in Nanaimo,BC Canada. When i'm not at home with my husband and two kids i'm usually taking photos or on a flight to Nashville, Tennessee.

I have loved taking photos for as long as I can remember. It all began with disposable cameras, many digital cameras that I kept breaking (haha whoops), until I eventually got my first professional camera at age 18.

I've tried all the genres when it comes to photography, you have to find what you love and where your passion lies. And i'll be honest with you, nothing sets my soul on fire quite like Music photography does.

The music industry isn't for the faint of heart, it takes passion, grit, talent and the ability to keep pushing when all seems to fail. That is why I love capturing these musicians, because they're all here for the love of music, as am I.

One of my biggest inspirations in life is Mr. Johnny Cash. He went through so many struggles in his life, but he persevered and is now a household name to this day. I only wish I could have had the opportunity to photograph him, instead I have a JC themed photo studio in my home that I absolutely love!

I hope this gave you some insight into how much I love what I do. I want to live a fulfilled life doing what I love, surrounded by my family and friends. Capturing moments in time from around the globe. To me that's the ultimate dream, and I love that I am living that dream.